Rubik's Modifications-Extended-Basic Theory

With Rubik's Modifications, a common variety of mods are extensions (regularly shaped rectangular prisms) like the 2x2x4 and 3x3x5. Many of these work on the same principal: Cut a hole in a cube and add layers via pieces with "feet". For example. the 3x3x5 is essentially a 3x3x3 with a hole cut on either side and an extra layer inserted via the aforementioned "feet". This side view diagram should explain it.

The part in the upper left shows the piece with the slice cut from it. When all such pieces are assembled and seen from above, the hole is circular. The second part in the upper right shows the cubie with a "foot" attached. The foot hooks on as shown in the lower middle part of the diagram. The lower and side parts of the cut cubies remain the same, only the top part is cut open. The cube reassembles as normal except for the extra layer(s) which are just sort of "there". A good site to explain this is . He explains things pretty well although certain parts may not be clear at times. is another good site however it only explains the 3x3x5 (I think). The principle remains essentially the same in any case.
