I was walking towards the mailbox today (we have a 'superbox' for the whole neighborhood) and I noticed the postman loading up all the boxes. Our section just happened to have a parcel in it...but I was in a hurry and had to leave. So several tense hours later, my suspicions were confirmed: I had exciting mail!
Okay, so Entertainment Weekly isn't what I was talking
about, but it's exciting nonetheless
Actually, a large box from CubicDissection!
The package contained the Cold Fusion and the Binary Burr:
Cold Fusion
Binary Burr
Binary burr partly solved
Both puzzles are quite loose, and there is a bit of an issue with gravity on the Binary burr (pieces may tend to drop where they need to remain upright). The Cold Fusion really gave me a start - there are some unexpected movements going on there! I've solved the Binary Burr and its frame (though I haven't put the burr part back together, so it's half-in the frame right now). I'll let you know more as I figure these puzzles out!